The Signing Ceremony of Principal contract between Stavian Group and First Chem Group., JSC

On Thursday (June 06, 2024), the Signing Ceremony of Principal contract between Stavian Group & First Chem Group., JSC (FCG) was successfully held at Stavian Group headquarters (Century Tower, Hanoi).

First Chem Group is a joint-stock enterprise under the laws of the People’s Republic of China specializing in import-export petrochemical business and has more than 10 years of experience in this industry. FCG needs to find projects and strategic partners to contribute financially, jointly build and develop the project in China. The Signing Ceremony marks a new development in the cooperation process, accompanying sustainable development and tightening the solidarity between Stavian Group & First Chem Group. Accordingly, Stavian Group and First Chem Group will combine financial capabilities, individual strengths, and experience to invest in and operate the project to achieve the highest possible efficiency and benefit for both sides. In the coming time, with FCG's support and strong potential, Stavian Group will continue to expand and develop our business activities, affirming our position as a large-scale multinational industrial corporation.